Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And....we're back in cubeland

At-least I am. Lulu is blissfully in no-work-land.

Funny how Intel can get you back in work-mode instantly. Monday the 15th was my first day back at work and I got to work at 9.30ish. I'm still working my way through the 1000+ emails but I get an IM asking if I'm back and whether I'd be able to make it to a 11am meeting. That same day, someone had scheduled a 5pm meeting as well. So much for a lazy first day back from a sabbatical.

It feels strange to be sitting in front of a keyboard tapping your life away while you've spent the past 2 months living out of a 40lb backpack, getting up every morning not knowing where you're gonna have lunch or dinner. It's not just a physical shift; it feels odd having a routine - the commute, the weekly team meetings, lunch at a fixed hour - all the trappings of life on cube-island. Speaking of The Cube, my cube seems ever more sterilized, as compared to, say, the crazy rainy roads of Guayaquil, Ecuador on a certain night...

I have to wait 6 more years for another paid 2 months of vacation. Sigh. Back to the keyboard it is.

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