Really? This guy was spotted at the Maui airport. I took a few stealth photos from behind his back. The front of his t-shirt had the tsunami hit times for each of the 5 islands, band-style:
Big island: 2/26/10 11.05am
Maui: 2/26/10 11.30am
Lanai: ...
I was told that these tees sold pretty fast in Lahaina (the leeward and hence the sunny, resort-y part of the island). I don't know what to make of it. I definitely commend the entrepreneurial spirit of the person who had the brilliant idea of pressing tees within hours of the tsunami. I don't know if I quite agree with the term 'tsunami survivor' . If you were lashed by 50 ft waves (think Indonesia/Thailand circa 2004) and you made it out, that's commendable (and lucky). But watching 2 ft waves from the comfort and safety of the 40th floor in your warm sunny Four Seasons resort hotel room, I'm not quite sure that deserves the term survivor. tourist-laden-with-wads-of-money-and-not-quite-sure-what-to-do-with-it : yes, but not survivor.
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